Stuart Krivis schrieb am Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 07:50:35AM -0500:
* >
* >Do you know which auth mechanism will be used?  If MySQL/LDAP, you'll have
* >to scale the corresponding servers/services/software accordingly.
* >
* This may be a place where it is more cost-effective to use one of the 
* commercial LDAP servers. Solaris comes with a license for 200,000-user 
* iPlanet Directory Server. With the number of auths/sec that you need, you 
* will want a very high-performance auth mechanism.

Do you have any performance data available on it?  I'm very curious about
a good comparison of LDAP software.  Because regarding to costs, I never 
saw the point in buying a commercial LDAP software other that buying
professional support.

OpenLDAP 2.x on a speedy, well-sized PC can be very reliable and fast with a 
200k userbase, provided you know what you are doing and can tune it effect-
ively (recompile with nice flags and good db support, indexing relevant 
attributes etc.).


- Birger

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