
I'm playing with new Horde/IMP using Cyrus as IMAP server. For some of functionality of Horde's applications to work, Horde needs a way to list all mailboxes on my Cyrus IMAP server (in order to generate list of users). I can do this by putting adminstrative account (any account listed in admin line in impad.conf file) password into IMP's configuration file. However, I don't feel like storing Cyrus admin password in plaintext file on an web server.

I was thinking about creating an ordinary user and giving it a right to only list mailboxes (top level under "user." would be enough, but even if it could list all mailboxes it would be fine). I naively attempted to do something along the lines "sam user imp +l", and of course got an error. I could do "sam user.* imp +l", but it would allow imp to list only users that currently exist, imp would not see new users.

Is there some other way to allow one user to list all mailboxes under "user.*". Only top level inboxes would be preffered, but even if all user subfolders are visible, it would still be OK.
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