Thanks Michael - I don't have much time to give a longer response right now,
but this is really valuable feedback into what we focus on over the next few
months and into the 3.2 release plans. I really appreciate you taking the time
to spell this out in detail.
On Tue, Mar 5, 20
Hi Ellie and Bron,
first thank you for your ideas for the workaround and for opening the issue.
I have to apologize about the original subject, but I was a bit
frustrated that
I have encountered again a problem with the conversation db.
As I have discovered jet another, not jet reported prob
I've raised to get this
properly fixed
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This isn't quite renaming the folder, and you'll lose per-user seen state, but
you can create a new folder and, using the admin login, copy the messages:
. NO Invalid mailbox name
. SELECT deleted.user.
On Sat, Mar 2, 2019, at 2:54 AM, Michael Menge wrote:
> Is there an other way than disabling
> - conversation db,
> - restoring the folder,
> - enabeling conversation db again (so that squat files are used for
> header searches),
> - rebuilding conversation db for all users (because there will b
i have now a user request to restore a deleted mailbox.
This failed with "Invalid mailbox name" in cyradm. which is wrong in
the fist place,
because the new name was the original name.
In the Log files I found "can't rename a deleted mailbox" and I discovered
this in the source :-(