
I don't think the message I drafted about this yesterday made it to the list -
browser must have crashed before I got a chance to send it.

Here's the scoop:

Cyrus IMAP 2.1.0pre from CVS of several weeks ago
Cyrus SASL 1.5.27 with LDAP patch
Red Hat Linux 7.1 w/ all updates + some stuff from 7.2 beta

I changed my syslog configuration so that syslog didn't sync the log files for a
few entries (/var/log/maillog, /var/log/messages, etc.)

About a minute after I restarted syslog to make these changes go into affect, a
user walked in and said that she couldn't check her email.  Another minute and I
had a whole cadre of users telling me the same thing.  I wasn't sure why
restarting syslog would have any effect on this but it turns out it did.

When I telneted to port 110 on the mail server, the POP3 dialog went something
like this (not verbatim but close enough):

telnet mail 110
Connected to mail.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK mail.iu13.org Cyrus POP3 v2.1.0pre server ready
user XXX
+OK Name is a valid mailbox
pass XXX
<38> some syslog stuff about setting CRAM-MD5 <38> some syslog stuff about
setting DIGEST-MD5 <38> some syslog stuff about setting PLAIN
+OK Maildrop locked and ready

Now apparently what was happening is that what had been going to syslog was now
being echoed to the POP3 connection.  This had the effect of causing the POP3
connection to fail, since the OK came after the <38> garbage.  Its almost as if
the cyrus master process got its file descriptors mixed up.

A restart of the cyrus master process cleared this up but not before causing a
little panic.  I'd welcome any explanations as to why restarting a related but
unobtrusive process, like logging, caused this to happen.


Kevin M. Myer
Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
(717) 560-6140

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