Reiner Steib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Nov 12 2007, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
>> Reiner Steib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> On Sun, Nov 11 2007, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
>>>> How to use one news server for news reading (or local spool) and
>>>> another for posting news?
>>> What kind of problem are you trying to solve?
>> I have fast access to "low reputation" news servers (filtered out by some)
>> and slow access to "higher reputation" news server.
> ,----[ (info "(gnus)Posting Server") ]
> |    When posting news, Message usually invokes `message-send-news'
> | (*note News Variables: (message)News Variables.).  Normally, Gnus will
> | post using the same select method as you're reading from (which might
> | be convenient if you're reading lots of groups from different private
> | servers).  However.  If the server you're reading from doesn't allow
> | posting, just reading, you probably want to use some other server to
> | post your (extremely intelligent and fabulously interesting) articles.
> | You can then set the `gnus-post-method' to some other method:
> | 
> |      (setq gnus-post-method '(nnspool ""))
> | [...]
> `----

Thanks for the hint.

[pl>en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Look! There! Evil!.. pure and simple, total evil from the Eighth Dimension!"
  -- Buckaroo Banzai
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