Going back to my original posting.


TL;DR; Use:

 '(gnus-header ((t))))

Long version:

First I solved _one_ problem. After much poking, testing, and reading I
figured out that

info-gnus-engl...@cafax.se 2024-02-11 23:42 [+0100]:
> (custom-set-faces
>  '(gnus-header ((t (:inherit fixed-pitch)))))

actually took me to a different font than I expected. "Fixed-pitch" is
not my default font used in the article text*. If I told GNUS to use the
default font instead, the line spacing ended up correct. So _that_
problem was solved by using

 '(gnus-header ((t (:inherit default)))))

So far, so good. But it came with a snag. (There is always one ... 😉)

Normally some words in the headers (e.g., sender's name and e-mail
address, other e-mail addresses, etc.) are shown in bold. Not so any
more. The color was correct, but not the weight and slant. I had to
figure out how to make that be inherited correctly from the respective

Thanks to a typo I did, which brought me into the debugger, but with the
side-effect that the Article buffer came out as I wanted, I have now
come up with the following recipe that works for me. By setting the
property list to nothing, everything is set to "default", which somehow
makes all the pieces of the tetris fall into place. The property list
should thus be "(t . ())" = "(t . nil)" = "(t)", so here goes:

 '(gnus-header ((t))))

I hope this helps some Googlers in the future.

Thanks for all help!


* I use a locally installed custom font as default. It's a variant of
  Courier called Courier Prime. (Really nice! Do try!) It took me a
  while to realise that fixed-pitch is coupled to regular Courier, which
  has a different line height. The two fonts are (to no ones surprise)
  difficult to distinguish, but Courier Prime is a little "fatter" and
  easier to read, IMHO.

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