Hello, I am a newbie GNUS/Emacs user; my OS is Win2K. I was wondering
if a pre-defined set of sample cfg files are available for GNUS.

I want the following features:

1. Reasonably soothing but clearly readable colors/text; No nasty
eye-straining white background.

2. All posts should be sorted into threads, with all threads to which
i have posted and my-posts right at the bottom -  sorted date wise and
high-lighted in Red.

The rest of the posts should be sorted by date and thread with new
single-posts/threads at the top end of the screen.

3.Threads that i have marked as interesting coloured Green.

4. Autologin to nntp server (news.datemas.de uses NNTP).
I have tried the .authinfo file, but i get error:" Unable to
The moment i rename the .authinfo file to something else i am able to

.authinfo contains: machine news.datemas.de login
[EMAIL PROTECTED] password xxxxxxxx force yes

.gnus.el contains
 (setq user-mail-address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
(setq user-full-name "Vivek.M")
(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "news.datemas.de"))

5. All cfg files/downloaded-files to be created in directory
C:\Program Files\Xemacs\MyGNUS. Right now i have bird-droppings all
over my C-Drive.

6. Is there a way to turn off the Warnings window and position Xemacs
at 0,0 with a predefined window size?

Could someone tell me how to acheive this if the cfg files are not
readily available. I've tried reading the docs (spent 2 days trying
stuff out). I find that a lot of free time goes in figuring out GNUS
and not actually doing any news-reading.
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