Jackie and Company,
Sorry for poorly expressing my situation, I'll add more confusion to it. I too, am paid on the regular teacher scale for a full day (Special Ed time is covered by the state coffers)
We have teacher/coaches coaching during their prep period in the last period of the day, thus I apply that same reasoning to my extra hour of tech time I give to the school. Thus all my summer work is volunteered. (I am allowed to hire my son for a few hours in August.)
My comment about the car was an attempt at humor, but I do get two dollars a day for gas between the buildings, and mileage when I wander out to Tech meetings.
I do have an informal rotation of laptops of every three years, (I'll pass it on after the warrenty is done.)
We have alot to learn on how the business world functions and and hopefully we can apply it to our situations. Thanks for the feedback

jackie fonley wrote:

What type of "benefits" are they looking at adding to your contract if you
go to that type.  (salary--per-diem, a nice boost, etc.; insurance; a car
would be nice:-); etc.)  I'm assuming your getting paid just a regular
teacher salary now . . . ?  Currently I am "half-time" tech and more than
half-time social studies with my prep being devoted to tech work.  I am on
the regular teacher pay schedule based upon my years of teaching.  I log my
hours during the summer, and get paid per-diem,  which I like because I
don't want to be here if I don't have to, especially during prime sunning
days.  However, during the school year I spend a lot of volunteer time in
the district . . .  I am intrigued with the "x" amount of days tacked on to
my contract, which would cover the after school/weekend stuff.   I would be
interested in what others have for contracts as well .  .  .
-Jackie Fonley
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments
that take our breath away.

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