They are totally blocked at Okoboji Schools. All social networking sites
that pop up are.
Chad Frerichs
Network Administrator
Okoboji Community Schools
Milford, IA 51351
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karl Hehr
Sent: Tuesday, Novem
Hi Karl
The site is blocked on our filter so it is not viewed at school.
- Original Message -
From: "Karl Hehr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: [info-tech] MySpace and other such Interweb schenanigans
> I just received a promotional packe
This was a big topic at the Library Conference that I went to. Many schols had it and even their library had a "myspace" account where they could ask interactive research questions and such. I just figured we're not quite that evolved yet. Erin FeingoldK-12 Media SpecialistSouth Hamilton Sch
I just received a promotional packet from MySpace through the NSBA.
I was just wondering what other schools' policies are on MySpace and
other places like Facebook and the like.
Karl Hehr
District Technology Coordinator
South Hamilton CSD
Jewell, IA
[This E-mail scanned for viruses
Title: FW: IEC Update: Microsoft Student/Teacher Purchases
schools signed up for Microsofts student/teacher purchasing
program:IEC Update: Microsoft Student/Teacher
PurchasesThe Iowa
Educators Consortium website for students and teachers to purchase Microsoft
products (http://elms15.e-