Dear Technology Coordinator,

As Dubuque Schools has realized, we want to aid your
organization's understanding of the advantages of Integrated
eCommerce and ePayments (see today's news clip below).

Therefore, you and the members of your Finance, Food Service,
Continuing Ed., IT, Foundations and Activities departments
are invited to attend the next Iowa Informational ePayments
Seminar (this time hosted by the Jefferson-Scranton School
District) and visit one of the many WebMalls listed below.

On Google's news service this morning was this article.


Verne Kopytoff, SF Chronicle Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 4, 2005

"Online shoppers opened their wallets wide during the holidays,
pushing Internet sales up   25 percent from last year,    according
to a report released Monday. Consumers spent $23.2 billion, an
increase of $4.7 billion from the same period in 2003, making this
the biggest holiday yet for e-commerce."

(The seminar goes one step further, which is INTEGRATION of
this unstoppable trend to your district's mission critical
sub-systems, campus-wide.)

Like you, we also serve the public by helping public education
reduce labor by collecting fees electronically; on-line
and off-line. Do you hate wasted labor and love new revenue
like we do? If so, please consider attending our Informational
ePayment Seminar:

                  Informational ePayment Seminar

                         High School Building
                         101 Ram Drive
                         Jefferson, IA 50129
          Wednesday, January 26th, 1:00-2:45 PM

Please forward this invitation to an associate;
your fellow staff members in the Finance, Food Service
Information Systems (IT), Adult Ed., Activities,
Transportation and Perfoming Arts. They will all learn
how their fees can be electronically pre-paid on their
own integrated hosted WebStore, safely and securely.This
seminar is open to any school personnel that would like to
attend. Please RSVP and I will send you directions.

Similar to the common one-shopping cart method of,
think of (your school).com as a similar one-stop, universal
service point - for the parents to........

        >View Meal Account Balances, then......
        >Make Secure Direct or Indirect Meal Account Deposits
            interfaced right into their Food Service Software
        >Buy & Register for Classes,
        >Buy Tickets/passes & Supplies,
        >Pay all their Fees & school Bills
                *Curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular
                    & non-curricular Fees)
                *Busing Fees, Discretionary
                *Field Trips Fees
                *Activity & Material Fees
        >Pay Bills, make Donations
        >After-school Childcare Balances & Deposits
        >Buy Merchandise, Supplies and Classes
        >Extend Fundraisers & Booster Clubs
        >Register for Events, Conferences
        >Collect Seasonal Registration Fees
        >Retirement Account Balances & Deposits.......

FAMILY SHOPPING CART ! (for all of their children & schools)

The list is endless for guaranteed revenue that just appears
in your bank account (and the option to upload the payment to your
internal service sub-systems).

**In 2004 debit cards usage surpassed credit card usage.  Online
commerce is where people are using their debit cards. Schools
can now take advantage of this trend as more and more rural
and urban online shoppers turn their lunch hour into online

ePayments Can Eliminate:
        Expensive, Uncontrolled & Error Prone Manual Counting
        Processing of Numerous Checks and Dollar Bills
        Phone Calls that Consume Time
        Empty Meal & Childcare Accounts to Manage & Communicate
        and above all..... Keying updates into another system?
In a budget crisis? ..Monumental Labor Savings & Revenue Production!

This 100-minute seminar is open to any school or city personnel
that would like to learn how to revenue-supercharge their website
and reduce labor with a "system-neutral", campus/city-wide WebMall
(interfaced to ancillary systems like food service) that also
cashiers off-line by mail, phone, or in person.

This event is a fun and profitable opportunity for your staff to
surf and explore a diverse array of WebMalls with other
like-minded and community oriented people, all driven by
the mandated need to simplify, increase revenue, and reducing
labor, during a time of budget shortfalls. The seminar will
prepare your organization for securely proliferating various
electronic pre-payments (credit/debit cards) on your website
and local network.

A fraction of the many public institutions currently cashiering
ePayments and registrations will be shown to provide a
dynamic dimension of understanding electronic
cashiering and notification.  Part of the seminar is spent
surfing live, working, 24 hour WebStores & WebMalls all
powered by robust, automated "end-to-end" eCommerce.
The following WebMalls will all be specially featured during
this event:

Name                              Live WebStore Shortcut URL

Registration, Food                    (
Certification Classes             (
Community Ed.                        (
Discretionary Busing                 (
Integrated Food Service         (
  (Skyward Meal Acct uploads & balances)
  Theater / Arts Tickets
Activities, Food & Comm. Ed.   (
   (PCS Food Meal Acct uploads & balances)
Merchandise, CE & Food          (
   (MicroCheck Meal Acct uploads & balances)
Food Service, Comm. Ed.& Rec.(
   (Bon Appetit Meal Acct uploads & balances)
Take-out Cafe', Comm. Ed        (
Activities, Field Trips, Busing    (
Athletics, Bills, Registration      (
Fund Raising,Busing & Food     (
Activities, All Day Kindergarten  (
Parking, Theater Tickets,          (
Donations / Foundation         (

NOTE:  Notice there are no "www's" in front of the website
address shortcut which bypass the home page of the
institution.  Each WebStore is linked from the main website
to the above addresses.

These websites are "revenue-supercharged" with a single,
universal (one login) "electronic cashier" accepting
guaranteed payments with near-instant notification for every
department such as:  Food Service, Community ed., Events,
bill payment, donations, activities. booster clubs,
and any other place that you accept fees. The list is
endless for revenue that just appears in your bank account.

*PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email or call me
(507-664-9352, 952-240-2500 or 800-323-5953)

Call me with any questions.

Awaiting your RSVP reply to the seminar,

Mark Gebhard . . .
     for the RevTrak Team

RevTrak Corporate Offices
307 West 92nd St.
Bloomington, MN 55420

My Office    507-664-9352
Cell            952-240-2500
Corporate    800-323-5953

P.S. If you would prefer NOT to hear from us again, please reply to
this message with "Do not email" in the subject line.

This message is in full compliance with U.S. law.  While we hope
you will consider RevTrak for your ePayment processing needs, the
content of our seminar is valuable regardless of your automation

                    ePayment Seminar Sample Agenda

                    Electronic Payments &  eCommerce
                              in Cities and Schools

Welcome & Introductions

Review of How Credit Cards are Processed
                         Follow the Money from your PC to
                                 your Bank Account
                        Preview a WebMall

Review of Off-line ePayment Methods
                        (In-Person, Over the Phone, mail-order)

                        Part 1: Desktop-Off-line-Network-based
                        Part 2: Customer Service/Reporting Tools

What's New in Labor Saving ePayment Technology?

                       Part 3: High Speed / High Volume Processing
                                  Invoicing Replacement with
                                    Balance Verification
                                  Registration Alternatives
                                  Check Meal Account Balances
                     *Integration with mission critical systems

                        Part 4: Live WebMall Virtual Tour
                            (what other district/cities are
                            doing to raise revenues and
                            reduce costs)

RSVP to 507-664-9352 or 800-323-5953
so we can bring enough treats.

Cost:            FREE

                  High School
                  101 Ram Drive
                  Jefferson, IA 50129

                  (515) 386-2188

When:    Wednesday, January 26th, 1:00-2:45 PM

**Please consider hosting your own ePayment Seminar!
This may be the second or third time you have heard about such
topical discussions. We realize that your team may not be
able to attend this seminar because of the travel distance.
Therefore, we are hoping to also conduct future seminars in
other localities. All we need is to have you host one (with
no expense to you). All we require is a room the holds 12-18
people with an internet connection.  We provide everything
else.  Please let me know if this works for you by replying
back to this message.

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