Mystery solved:
Tim Buenz
Director of Technology
Jefferson-Scranton Comm. Schools
204 W. Madison Street
Jefferson, IA 50129
Fax (515)386-3591
"...if we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob th
Title: Re: [info-tech] Inside Mac Radio
Sorry to inform everyone that is not LM Middle School in Laurens Iowa. Wish we could have something like that for our students. We are investigating podcasting at this time. We currently have Kurzweil for reading and writing in our sped programs
I subscribe to a Podcast called "Inside Mac Radio" a short broadcast about Mac products and uses.Any way they start to mention a school in Iowa using iPods to assist with Special Education. They kept calling it LM Middle School. My Assumption is that it is Laurens Marathon.So congrats to them for