We are in the process of rewriting our technology plan. Since I hate
re-inventing the wheel, I was wondering if anyone or everyone could
send me a copy of their updated (last couple of years) tech plan so
that we can have some idea what to build on.
e-mail is at end of signature.
Thanks in
At this point, I think Jon is right- don't worry about having a long,
exhaustive tech plan because the requirements will be changing with the
new CSIP Rules/Interpretation. Right now, the DE is providing meetings
for AEA personnel to review and comment on their CSIP
Rules/Interpretation Matri
The only thing that I can think that needs the tech plan is for the USF. Since the
state isn't giving us any money for technology, is it really necessary and are the
people giving the reviews going to even look at it???
Personally I don't think they will. I still believe their is a use for