Our Newell and Fonda buildings are connected by a wireless radio link, and
the performance at the Fonda end is just horrible.  I had no experience
doing this before this job, and I'm trying (with  the help of the people in
Des Moines that installed the stuff) to improve the performance.  Can I get
some input from people who are doing the same thing?




What services & traffic are you pushing through the wireless?

Ways to get good speed, pitfalls to avoid?


I think our situation is badly set up, and we're pushing too much stuff
through that wireless link.  Basically, the wireless link is a 10-mile long
Ethernet cable that supplies Fonda with all network services other than a
local file server over there for mapped network drives.  Aside from that
local file server, Fonda gets all its internet bandwidth through that link,
as well as all login authentication, DNS and DHCP, all JMC traffic, our wiki
and blog server, you name it.  The wireless link is 11 Mb.  There are 65
computers in the Fonda building.  Is that just a hopeless situation, or can
I hope to make their speed acceptable?


The other issue is the plan to close that building after the 09-10 school
year, so nobody wants to spend any money on equipment for that building, or
for its own internet connection.


Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks!



Timothy A. Limbert

Technology Coordinator

Newell-Fonda CSD



iChat/AIM: tlimbert65

MSN: limbert65

Twitter: limbert65

Skype: limbert_65


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