A Year after 9/11, America Still Unprepared for a Terrorist Attack,
Warns New Hart-Rudman Task Force on Homeland Security .

Executive summary:


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Council on Foreign Relations

Executive summary:

"America Still Unprepared - America Still in Danger,"
An Independent Task Force

Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations

October 25, 2002 - A year after 9/11, America remains dangerously
unprepared to prevent and respond to a catastrophic attack on U.S. soil,
concludes a blue-ribbon panel led by former Senators Warren Rudman and
Gary Hart-co-chairs of the now famous Commission on National Security
that warned of such a terrorist attack three years ago.

The Independent Task Force, which came to this sober conclusion and
which makes recommendations for emergency action, included two former
secretaries of state, two Nobel laureates, two former chairmen of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, a former director of the CIA and FBI, and some of
the nation's most distinguished financial, legal, and medical experts.
One of the country's leading authorities on homeland security, Council
Senior Fellow Stephen Flynn, directed the Task Force.

If the nation does not respond more urgently to address its
vulnerabilities, the Task Force warns, the next attack could result in
even greater casualties and widespread disruption to our lives and

The critical need to make specific preparatory acts is made even more
imperative by the prospect that the United States might go to war with
Iraq and that Saddam Hussein might threaten the use of weapons of mass
destruction in America.

The Task Force credits the Bush administration, Congress, governors and
mayors for taking important measures since 9/11 to respond to the risk
of catastrophic terrorism, and does not seek to apportion blame about
what has not been done or not done quickly enough. The report is aimed,
rather, at closing the gap between our intelligence estimates and
analysis-which acknowledge immediate danger on the one hand-and our
capacity to prevent, mitigate and respond to these attacks on the other.

Among the risks that still confront the United States:

650,000 local and state police officials continue to operate in a
virtual intelligence vacuum including having no access to terrorist
watch lists provided by the U.S. Department of State to immigration and
consular officials. 

While 50,000 federal screeners are being hired at the nation's airports
to check passengers, only the tiniest percentage of containers, ships,
trucks, and trains that enter the United States each day are subject to
examination-and a weapon of mass destruction could well be hidden among
this cargo. 
First responders-police, fire, emergency medical personnel-are not ready
to respond to a chemical or biological attack. Their radios can't talk
with one another and they lack the training and protective gear to
protect themselves and the public in an emergency. The consequence of
this could be the unnecessary loss of thousands of American lives. 

An adversary intent on disrupting America's reliance on energy need not
target oilfields in the Middle East. The homeland infrastructure for
refining and distributing energy to support our daily lives remains
largely unprotected to sabotage. 

Our own ill-prepared response has the capacity to hurt us to a much
greater extent than any single attack by a terrorist. America is a
powerful and resilient nation and terrorists are not supermen. But the
risk of self-inflicted harm to our liberties and way of life is greatest
during and immediately following a national trauma. 

To deal with these and other weaknesses, the Task Force makes a number
of recommendations for emergency action, including the following:

Make first responders ready to respond by immediately providing federal
funds to clear the backlog of requests for protective gear, training,
and communications equipment. State and local budgets cannot bankroll
these necessities in the near term. 

Recalibrate the agenda for transportation security; the vulnerabilities
are greater and the stakes are higher in the sea and land modes than in
commercial aviation. 

Strengthen the capacity of local, state, and federal public heath and
agricultural agencies to detect and conduct disease outbreak
investigations. The key to mitigating casualties associated with a
biological attack against people or the food supply is to identify the
source of infection as early as possible. 

Empower front line agents to intercept terrorists by establishing
24-hour operations centers in each state that can provide access to
terrorist watch list information via real time intergovernmental links
between local and federal law enforcement 

Fund, equip, and train National Guard units around the country to ensure
they can support the new state homeland security plans under development
by each Governor. Also, triple the number of National Guard Weapons of
Mass Destruction Support Teams from 22 to 66. 


Gary Hart (Co-Chair)
Of Counsel, Coudert Brothers
Former Senator, Colorado

Warren B. Rudman (Co-Chair)
Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison
Former Senator, New Hampshire

Charles Graham Boyd
Chief Executive Officer and President, Business Executives for National
Former Deputy Commander in Chief, U.S. European Command

Warren Christopher
Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers LLP
Former Secretary of State

William J. Crowe
Senior Advisor, Global Options
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Stephen Friedman
Senior Principal, Marsh & McLennan Capital

James Kallstrom
Senior Executive Vice President, MBNA America
Former Director, Office of Public Security for the State of New York

Joshua Lederberg
President-Emeritus and Sackler Foundation Scholar, Rockefeller
Nobel Laureate

Donald Marron
Managing General Partner, Lightyear Capital

Philip A. Odeen
Chairman, TRW, Inc.

George P. Shultz
Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow at the Hoover
Stanford University
Former Secretary of State
Former Secretary of the Treasury
Former Secretary of Labor
Former Director, Office of Management and Budget

Anne-Marie Slaughter
Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs,
Princeton University

Harold E. Varmus
President and Chief Executive Officer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer

John W. Vessey
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

William H. Webster
Partner, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy,BR>Former Director, Central
Intelligence Agency
Former Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Steven Weinberg
Director of the Theory Group, University of Texas
Nobel Laureate

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