DAILY BRIEF Number: DOB02-042 Date: 18 April 2002


OCIPEP Issues Advisory - New Variant of Klez.A
OCIPEP issued Advisory AV02-020 to bring attention to a new version of the
worm W32.Klez.A@mm, which was first discovered on 25 October 2001. This new
variant of Klez is currently spreading through Europe and the U.S.

Comment: For more information, go to:

Canada Opts Out of American Plan to Defend Continent
The Canadian government has announced that, for the moment, it will not join
the U.S.-led North American defence plan and will remain responsible for its
own defence. U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced yesterday the
creation of a new military zone stretching from the Canadian Arctic to
southern Mexico. Senior Canadian and U.S. military officials have been
putting pressure on the Canadian government to join the "Northern Command".
Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham, however, has suggested that Canada
could join at a later date and that Ottawa is content, for now, to limit its
role in continental defence to NORAD. (Source: Globe and Mail, 18 April

Four Canadian Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
A U.S. fighter jet mistakenly bombed Canadian soldiers during a live-fire
training exercise in Afghanistan, killing four and wounding eight. (Source:
Globe and Mail, 18 April 2002)


Bush Warns of More Terror Attacks
While addressing military cadets, President Bush predicted that there will
be an increase in terrorist activity as bin Laden's network tries to regroup
and strike again. (Source: NanadoTimes, 17 April 2002)

One Alert System Seen As Ineffective
A commentary by ZDNet argues that no single alerting system, such as the one
recently unveiled by the Office of Homeland Security, is up to the task of
describing the myriad of different cyber threats. (Source: ZDNet, 17 April

Survival in an Insecure World
David A. Fisher, a researcher with the Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT) at Carnegie Mellon University, has developed Easel, a new computer
language that allows the simulation of unbounded systems "even when given
incomplete information about their state." The aim is to develop
infrastructure systems that continue to perform in the face of cyber
attacks. (Source: Scientific American, Issue: May 2002)

Businesses First Line of Defence in Battling Cybercrime
The head of a U.S. government task force has called on U.S. companies to act
as the first line of defence against cyber terrorists and criminals, by
investing heavily in the protection of their computer networks. (Source:
Jacksonville.com, 17 April 2002)

See: What's New for the latest Alerts, Advisories and Information Products


Trendmicro provides a report on WORM_KLEZ.G, which is a modified variant of
the worm WORM_KLEZ.G. It uses SMTP to propagate via email and is capable of
spreading via shared drives/folders with read/write access. The subject line
and body of the email may be randomly composed. The email receiver does not
need to open the attachment for it to execute due to a known vulnerability
in Internet Explorer-based email.

Comment: OCIPEP has released Advisory AV02-020 regarding Klez.H and Klez.G.
Please see the News section or go to:

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in StepWeb Search Engine (SWS). A
remote attacker could guess the location of the admin web page and gain
access to admin functions thus enabling the addition of arbitrary search
entries or access to search logs. No patch is available as of yet.

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in SunShop that allows remote
attackers to embed arbitrary script code into form fields. This may enable a
remote attacker to perform actions as the administrative user of the
shopping cart. View the "solutions" tab for patch information.

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in Melange Chat System that could
allow a local attacker to initiate a buffer overflow. View the "solutions"
tab for patch information.

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in ICQ. If a remote user attempts
to access a malformed .hpf file (a file specific to ICQ that is created when
a new user registers), ICQ will crash. No patch is available as of yet.

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in Burning Board. A remote attacker
could create a malicious link capable of causing actions to be performed on
behalf of a user visiting the link. Other web forum software, such as phpBB,
may also be affected by this vulnerability. No patch is available as of yet.

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in some versions of Internet
Explorer. It is possible to remotely inject JavaScript code into the browser
history list and execute it within any page context, given appropriate user
interaction. No patch is available as of yet.

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in Nortel CX 1800 Multi-Service
Access Switch, which may allow a remote attacker to gain access to sensitive
information such as authentication credentials for local accounts on the
device and network infrastructure. View the "solutions" tab for a

SecurityFocus reports on a vulnerability in Webalizer, which contains a
remote buffer overflow condition. A malicious DNS server could exploit this
condition if reverse DNS lookups are enabled. View the "solutions" tab for a

SecurityFocus provides a report on a vulnerability in Cisco products
installed on MS operating systems using IIS. It allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary code or perform a denial-of-service against the server. No
patch is available as of yet.

This advisory is available at:

SecurityFocus provides a report on a Cross Site Scripting (CSS) issue in
Horde and IMP. This was fixed upstream in Horde version 1.2.8 and IMP
version 2.2.8. Follow link for details.

SecurityFocus provides a report on two related problems with syncache. Both
involve issues with pointers, which would cause a machine to crash. Follow
link for a workaround.

SecurityFocus provides a report on a security issue that was recently found
and fixed in Squid-2.X releases. Follow link for upgrade info.

SecurityFocus provides a report on IRIX cron daemon that uses predictably
named temporary files that could lead to a root exploit. These
vulnerabilities may be not exploited by a remote user as a local account is
required. Follow link for upgrade info.

No updates to report at this time.


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or to report a change in contact information, please send to:

For urgent matters or to report any incidents, please contact OCIPEP’s
Emergency Operations Centre at:

Phone: (613) 991-7000
Fax: (613) 996-0995
Secure Fax: (613) 991-7094

For general information, please contact OCIPEP’s Communications Division at:

Phone: (613) 991-7066 or 1-800-830-3118
Fax: (613) 998-9589
Web Site: www.ocipep-bpiepc.gc.ca

The information in the OCIPEP Daily Brief has been drawn from a variety of
external sources. Although OCIPEP makes reasonable efforts to ensure the
accuracy, currency and reliability of the content, OCIPEP does not offer any
guarantee in that regard. The links provided are solely for the convenience
of OCIPEP Daily Brief users. OCIPEP is not responsible for the information
found through these links.

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