On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 6:38 AM, David Mertens <dcmertens.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a long shot, and likely a red herring, but I hear that the newest
> version of XCode changed the location of a number of developer tools.
> I have a Macbook with perlbrew. What versions of Perl and compiler options
> should I try? Threaded and non-threaded build of 5.14.2?
> David

The failure report shows how Perl was built:

Chris Williams was using a Perl version 5.14.2 with multi-thread
support.  The report lists all the compiler flags used.

I guess your goal (if you choose to give it a try) is to obtain the
same sort of failure that Chris Williams got in that report.  If we
start by getting our hands on a failure, we might have a shot at
fixing it.  The same goes for the Linux failures that Andreas Koenig
has conjured up, and the DragonflyBSD failures.  I can't reproduce
them, and without getting my hands on a failure case, can't seem to be
able to guess at a fix that works.  ...in the case of the DragonflyBSD
failures, not only can't I reproduce them, I can't even get a
DragonflyBSD virtual machine operational to the degree that I'm able
to install CPAN modules on it. :)

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