Tue Oct 09 00:37:15 2012: Request 80026 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by SISYPHUS
       Queue: Inline
     Subject: LIB is being in correctly quoted when using more than one lib path
   Broken in: 0.48, 0.48_01, 0.48_02, 0.49, 0.49_01, 0.49_02, 0.50, 0.50_01, 
    Severity: Important
       Owner: Nobody
  Requestors: jcleme...@cpan.org
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=80026 >

On Sun Oct 07 11:39:06 2012, JCLEMENTS wrote:
> Thanks for getting this fixed so quickly.

Well, the main thing is that it doesn't break things for those who don't
have whitespace in their directory names .... just how well it works for
those who *do* have whitespace in their directory names is not of great
importance to me, personally. (I don't really see why they can't do the
quoting themselves.)

Anyway, as of Inline-0.50_03, which has just been uploaded to cpan, the
quote_space() subroutine should now be doing the right thing pretty much
across the board, afaik.
If the INC config arg contains any tabs or doublequotes, then
quote_space() won't alter it in any way - which will cause problems if
that arg contains some whitespace that needs to be quoted. (This is the
only shortcoming I'm aware of at the moment ... someone who cares about
it can fix that aspect.)

If no problems with Inline-0.50_03 become evident in the next few days,
then it will be released as Inline-0.51 on the evening of Sat 13 Oct 
(Australian time).


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