- 18 bugs open during the week
- 126 bugs closed during the week
- 7 bugs in resolved state during the week
- 316 total bugs remain open
- 16 bugs labeled ReadyForDev during the week
- 119 total bugs labeled ReadyForDev remain
- 26 bugs open during the week
- 119 bugs closed during the week
- 1 bugs resolved during the week
- 336 total bugs remain open
- 16 bugs labeled ReadyForDev during the week
- 119 total bugs labeled ReadyForDev remain open **
- 15 bugs open during the week
- 11 bugs closed during the week
- 350 total bugs remain open
- 27 bugs labeled ReadyForDev during the week
- 111 total bugs labeled ReadyForDev remain open
- Bugs open during the week (
- 22 bugs open during the week
- 20 bugs closed during the week
- 359 total bugs remain open
- 16 bugs labeled ReadyForDev during the week
- 88 total bugs labeled ReadyForDev remain open
- Bugs open during the week (b