On Friday 09 October 2015 20:59:27 Jason H wrote:
> Anyone know what OTE label means in the issue tracker?
Labels are arbitrary strings that anyone can add.
I don't know what OTE is. I'll guess "Over The Ether" (compare to OTA - Over
The Air).
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
Anyone know what OTE label means in the issue tracker?
Interest mailing list
For people who may get interested into making tootips too without accessing
the Qml private API:
Here's what I end up doing (a simplified version of one that does load the
item into a Loader container), I can now display any Items no more Z
fighting, have a single timer.
Hope this help some peopl
Hello List:
For those who are using Loader in QML but triggering that loader from
C++, I came across a usage pattern technique that may have utility for some.
During the execution of the C++, loading "componentSource" is NOT a
synchronous operation if your loader is set to Async == true
In th
Qt5 libraries do exist on Ubuntu 14.04.
If you have built your deb on 14.04, then the debhelper should have
put in the correct dependency information.
If you build on a version > 14.04 and try to run on 14.04 then your
debianization scripts need to be explicit about versions.
I used to do this by
Hi Jason,
I faced the issue with Qt 5.1 on Ubuntu 12.04. At that time packaged
version of Qt was Qt 4.8. I had to build my own package for Qt 5.1. Then
I switch to a greater version of Ubuntu to get a more up-to-date version
of Qt. Maybe Ubuntu 15.10 does the trick.
On 09/10/2015 16:48, Jaso
Basic question. I have a Qt 5.5 application that I want to install and run on
Ubuntu 14.04. However, the most recent Qt libs are not available in the
standard repos. Anyone know where I can obtain such things? My little
application is to be distributed as a DEB file but fails on installation