
following up on an earlier conversation...

I'm trying to convert a legacy QML module to use the "new"
`qt_add_qml_module` function. This process includes the generation of a
..._qmltyperegistrations.cpp file that contains an invalid reference to a
header file <A.h>

My library layout looks like this:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── view
│   ├── A.h
│   ...
├── qml

and the makefile above compiles a shared library libfoo.so from the
contents. I now want to use `qt_add_qml_module()` to automate the
generation of the associated QML module (including all the QML resources,
as well as exposing the QML types defined in C++, such as the one in
`view/A.h`. However, the generated code expects to be able to include
"A.h", while it should actually be including "view/A.h". Is there a
property I should be passing to `qt_add_qml_module()` to make that happen,
or is there anything else I'm missing ?

For context: The type `A` is actually a singleton (a QQmlPropertyMap) which
is accessed directly from C++ code, so its C++ API needs to be accessible
as a regular class in the library, in addition to being registered to the
QML runtime.

Thanks for any help,


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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