Ok, I wanted to share my solution since you kindly offered a
suggestion a day or two ago.
1) Create an C++ function: Q_INVOKABLE void gregister(QObject* goedit) ;
2) Store the QObject away some where for access ONLY on the GUI thread.
3) For controls that I want to LOSE focus when click a
Thank you for the input.
I tried it a little bit and found that mousearea onPressed would not
trigger up past Loader, so as a universal pattern it will not work.
In fact, many controls (Listview,etc) suck up the mouse events when
those mouse/touch events SHOULD cause the keyboard to re
Hello Mark,
I achieve that on mobile using a simple MouseArea that cover all the screen and
it’s under all other active elements.
When that MouseArea is touched, I call Qt.inputMethod.hide() … and that’s it.
So, if the user touch outside any button, textfield, etc… then that touch will
reach the
Hello List:
Anybody have a tip or suggestion for IOS/Android Qt 5.5.1 -> Qt 5.6.0 Beta
I am using a TextField and the keyboard pops up whenever the input control
receives focus.
But I want the TextField to lose focus whenever you click/touch
outside of the control.
Not Just Tab & Enter that are