Sounds interesting. And what about the second attempt passing the try block
without goto?

2013/4/26 Julien Pauli <>

> Hello internals,
> I had an idea recently with a friend, about a feature try-catch blocks
> could use.
> Let me just write an example, you will quickly understand the idea :
> *<?php*
> *
> *
> *try {*
> *   foo();*
> *   bar();*
> *   baz();*
> *} catch (SomeException $e) {*
> *    dosomestuff();*
> *    continue; /* Here is the feature, go back to try block */*
> *} catch (Exception $e) {*
> *    dosomething();*
> *}*
> The continue keyword would resume the execution from where it had
> diverged, according to the function which led to the SomeException
> catch block.
> So, in this example, if, say, bar() throws a SomeException , the code
> would then resume and execute baz() after the catch block.
> Just presenting the idea here, no RFC actually , I'm collecting
> thoughts and notices.
> Julien.Pauli

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