Hello! When I use a static anonymous function as an HTTP-action in
some frameworks like:
$app = new App();
$app->get('/', static function () {
return new Response('Hello!);
I get a warning "Cannot bind an instance to a static closure" in every
$closure->bind($container) call inside of the f
- Пересылаемое письмо -
Дата: Птн 05 Дек 2014 18:11:13 +0300
От: Дмитрий
Тема: Re: Re: [PHP-DEV] Comparison chain
Кому: Andrea Faulds
Yep, I'm saying to allow (1 < $x < 3) or ($x < $y < $z).
Only in this order, I mean (1 > $x > 3) is invalid.
It's real
I followed by https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto and I would like to propose a
concept "comparison chain" to implementing to future PHP versions.
It would be very usable if PHP can do that in python-style.
Thank for your attension!
I followed by https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto and I would like to propose a
concept "comparison chain" to implementing to future PHP versions.
It would be very usable if PHP can do that in python-style.
Thank for your attension!
I followed by https://wiki.php.net/rfc/howto and I would like to propose a
concept "comparison chain" to implementing to future PHP versions.
It would be very usable if PHP can do that in python-style.
Thank for your attension!