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Hello everyone !

It's my first mail here and before writing anything else I'd like to
say that I'm thankful to Anthony and Derick for carrying this RFC.

Now… I have one issue with this argument :

Chase Peeler a écrit le 22/01/2016 19:15 :
> 3.) Finally, I think a Code of Conduct that includes punitive
> measures is a bad idea. I won't go into details on why, as we've
> gone over them in detail, but I'll sum it up as follows: a Code of
> Conduct that gives a small group of people the ability to punish
> others is open to abuse. I'm not saying that anyone proposing such
> a code of conduct has evil intentions, or even that anyone on this
> list would purposely act in an evil way if a member of the
> committee. In fact, the reason I feel such Codes of Conduct is
> dangerous is that someone acting in what they feel IS a noble way
> can easily do the opposite.

I think it falls in the « perfect solution » fallacy. We have the
current situation, which is already open to abuse (see the repeated
references towards  « the toxicity of internals ») and because such
abuses can still happen with a Code of Conduct and the team in charge
of watching its application you consider that it is a bad idea.

Furthermore, the abuses that may be perpetuated by such a team are
already limited by the « Accountability » paragraph of the RFC :

« The PHP project voting body has the right to overturn any action
taken the Community Mediation Team by vote (50% + 1 required to
overturn). »

Respectfully yours,
- -- 
Alda Marteau-Hardi
XMPP: a...@leetchee.fr | Web: http://aldarone.fr/
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Version: GnuPG v2


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