Why can't the unicode switch be turn on/off by the application when needed?
Perhaps have an on/off/auto setting where auto meaning it'll remain off
unless the application explicitly asks for it.

On 8/21/07, Larry Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andi,
> Is there a guide somewhere for those who are PHP developers, not C
> developers,
> who would want to try existing code under PHP 6 but don't know all the ins
> and outs of the new unicode system?  It sounds like there's 3-4 unicode
> switches in php.ini, but maybe I'm missing some and I'm sure I don't fully
> understand what they're all supposed to do.
> I mean a single-sourced guide along the lines of:
> - Get PHP-free system.
> - Download this file:
> - Untar, run make install.
> - Do X to get the mysql(i) driver in there too (since more apps use that
> than
> PDO right now).
> - Tour of the new php.ini switches to play with and what they mean/do:
> - Try running your app.  Known places where there may be issues:
> (Johannes'
> earlier post is a great starting point)
> - Please direct reports on your successes and what broke to:
> A "PHP 6 testers' instruction manual" would probably make it a lot easier
> to
> be a PHP 6 tester. :-)
> On Tuesday 21 August 2007, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > If there's an overwhelming support for removing the switch then I guess
> > that's where it is. I still think it's a mistake and we are risking a
> > big split in the user base going forward but time will tell. Long term
> > PHP may not recover from that split unless we truly manage to help the
> > most popular PHP applications to make the leap. They have been some of
> > the biggest drivers behind PHP adoption, probably just as much as the
> > technology itself.
> >
> > The burden of maintenance will definitely be higher. Right now we have
> > to identify what features we think need back porting to PHP 5.3 which in
> > my opinion looses a lot of good energy which could go into futures but
> > that's where we're at. The PHP 5 user-base is strong, and growing and
> > will require a lot of these features.
> >
> > I still think that the community and internals@ should still invest
> > significantly in making migration as easy as possible and making clear
> > what the performance attributes are. As I said, I'll be more than happy
> > to pitch in when the time comes in running benchmarks and trying to
> > figure out if a good migration methodology/scripts can be done. There
> > are also some backporting of features which may make it easier for
> > people to do a slower migration like (binary) cast (would be a no-op)
> > and some other things. Still need to think about this further but there
> > may be some things that can help.
> >
> >
> > Andi
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Lukas Kahwe Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 7:26 AM
> > > To: Andi Gutmans
> > > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; internals@lists.php.net
> > > Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of "unicode.semantics" in PHP
> >
> > 6?
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Ok, so I think its becoming clear that BC is not the main issue we
> >
> > will
> >
> > > be addressing with the unicode switch. I know Zeev's mantra that BC is
> > > not binary, but from the people that have posted feedback on the topic
> > > from actual experience it seems that making code work on PHP5 (and
> >
> > even
> >
> > > PHP4) as well as PHP6 is possible with a bit of work, but without a
> > > rewrite.
> > >
> > > So at this point the main argument can only resolve around
> >
> > performance.
> >
> > > So the question is how much performance does a user gain by turning of
> > > unicode in PHP6. We might be able to figure this out without porting
> >
> > an
> >
> > > actual application. Maybe with a few synthetic benchmarks, along with
> > > some code analysis (maybe for 3 different categories of applications:
> > > data processing intensive, web blog, database heavy application)) of
> > > how
> > > often particularily slow functions are called in an average
> > > application,
> > > we could extrapolate a ball park figure of what kind of slow down to
> > > expect.
> > >
> > > regards,
> > > Lukas
> --
> Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]          ICQ: 6817012
> "If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
> exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea,
> which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to
> himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the
> possession
> of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  --
> Thomas
> Jefferson
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Thank you,
David Branco (Neoelite Web Consultant)

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