In comparing the performance of PHP 5.2.5 file_exists calls versus C stat 
calls, I discovered via Windows sysinternals 
ProcessMonitor that PHP seems to do a stat on each component of a file path.  
For example, 
 appears to stat "E:\wamp", "E:\wamp\www", 
etc., finally getting to the file.  That compares to doing _stat64 of 
"e:\\wamp\\www\\ra-v2\\system\\application\\libraries\\MY_Controller.php" in C, 
which just does the stat on the file.  The timings 
from my tests show the C app finishing in about one-seventh the time, which is 
what I would expect from the PHP code doing seven 
times as many stat calls.

Assuming my inference about all the stat calls is correct, is there a rationale 
for this?  If the PHP app I am working on made just 
a couple of file_exists calls, I would not bother to ask, but it uses the 
CodeIgniter framework which is doing >100 file_exists 
calls for each page being accessed, so the affect is very noticeable.

FYI, I poked around the PHP SVN web interface for a while and found 
php_check_open_basedir_ex called in plain_wrapper.c, which I 
suspect causes the calls, but ran out of steam before confirming the cause of 
the behavior.

Scott Nichol 

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