Let's start with a rhetorical question: When you are adding unit tests to a
legacy code base, where do you start?


Typically, you start at the extremes and work your way to the core of the
application, refactoring as you need to go.

I think many people agree that a Code of Conduct, in the abstract (not a
particular one!), would be a good thing to have. So why don't we apply the
same methodology with the CoC initiative?

I propose we start with the most extreme elements of the PHP community and
field test a CoC proposal there. If we can improve the quality of
communication and contributions there, then we know it will have a positive
impact on the core.

And my most extreme, I am of course talking about OpenCart[1], arguably the
most toxic open source software project on the Internet.


Please, fellow PHP community members, join me in proposing a Code of
Conduct (i.e. the Contributors' Covenant) to the OpenCart team, explicitly
stating that it applies to Daniel Kerr and James Allsup too.

[1] http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2016/01/19/16
[2] https://github.com/opencart/opencart/issues

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