
Based on some discussions with Facebook, Tuenti and Andrey we have developed an "unofficial" MySQL Server patch. Furthermore we have added a new function to ext/mysqli which only purpose is to access functionality available only with a patched MySQL Server. Therefore we have not committed this new function into the PHP CVS but only made available on Launchpad [1]. The license is - as usual - PHP license. If you want it in the PHP CVS, we can add it, but I am -1.

  Let me give details: the background.

When fetching data from MySQL in PHP using any of mysql_query(), mysqli_query() or mysqli_real_query(), you will get a result set that consists of PHP string and PHP NULL variables. The reason for that is that the protocol used between the client and server is text based. The client (PHP) receives all results as strings. Regardless of the SQL type used in MySQL, you will get a string. For example, INTEGER 1234 becomes string "1234"

If you use Prepared Statements you will get typed results, sort of native types as I like to call them. As far as possible you will get typed results. For example, INTEGER 1234 from MySQL becomes integer 1234 in PHP. That is because MySQL is using a different protocol using different data encoding: the binary protocol for sending data to the client.

There is a number of reasons why you want native types / typed results in PHP. Comparing $some_int_as_string with 1234 is slower than comparing $some_int_as_int with 1234 - no type conversions need to be done before the comparison can be done. $some_int_as_string requires a few bytes more than $some_int_as_int to be stored. And, of course, $some_int_as_string === 1234 will evaluate to false. Last but not least its a convenience feature.

On the server side the binary protocol can save a few cast operations and on the wire the footprint can (does not have to be!) a little smaller.

How big is the difference for the average user? Rather minimal. But under high load you appreciate each and every possible optimization.

Putting it into a larger scale, memory savings inside PHP can translate into memory savings in caches such as APC and memcached.

  How can you get types results?

You can get typed results with any of [mysql_query(),] mysqli_query() or mysqli_real_query() by either:

 a) patching the server
 b) casting upon fetch inside PHP using meta data information

NOTE: b) = PHP 5.3+, ext/mysqli using mysqlnd

Andrey has hacked a patch for the server. The server patch is by no means official - its a suggestion for those who want to experiement. I don't know if the patch will ever go into MySQL. The patch will make the server use the binary protocol for mysqli_query() after setting an option. To be able to set this new option, available only with a patched server, we have exported the C function mysql_set_server_option() to ext/mysqli as mysqli_set_server_option(). This is not in the PHP CVS currently because:

  1) you need it for nothing but accessing a patched server
2) you can mess around with MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON which has been keept away from the mysqli API so far and encapsulated in an extra function mysqli_multi_query(). 3) we try to block you from messing around with MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON

Therefore: no functionality hidden that is available in the regular MySQL Server. The function would be API bloat in regular PHPs. So, we keep like 10 lines of code only in our bazaar repository at Launchpad [1].

b) is in the PHP CVS. Its available with ext/mysqli when compiled against mysqlnd. Here's a simple usage example:

$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
mysqli_query($link, "USE test");
mysqli_query($link, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
mysqli_query($link, "CREATE TABLE test(col1 INT, col2 FLOAT)");
mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO test(col1, col2) VALUES(1, 12345.67)");
$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT col1, col2, col2 * 2 AS _col3 FROM test");
/* mysqlnd only */
mysqli_options($link, MYSQLI_OPT_INT_AND_FLOAT_NATIVE, true);
$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT col1, col2, col2 * 2 AS _col3 FROM test");


array(3) {
  string(1) "1"
  string(7) "12345.7"
  string(14) "24691.33984375"
array(3) {

I'll be in meetings for the rest of the day, please be patient if I don't reply to questions immediately. More details and thoughts on the idea can be found at [2].


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~andrey-mysql/php-mysqlnd/binary_protocol
[2] http://blog.ulf-wendel.de/?p=198

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