Greg Trounson wrote:
> Actually I propose a new method for antialiasing:
> bool imageantialias ( resource im, bool on, int MODE )
> where MODE is one of:
> AA_TRADITIONAL - Perform antialiasing the same way it's done 
> now - that is to use a different antialiasing function for 
> each primitive, most of which haven't yet been implemented.
> AA_SCALE - Draw the image to an internal buffer at 2x the 
> requested size, using regular non-antialiased primitives, and 
> downscale the result to the requested size with bilinear 
> filtering.  This produces nice antialiased images with very 
> little duplication of code across primitives.  Line thickness 
> may need to be doubled to give the right effect.
> AA_TEXT - Draw/downsample the image as above, but omit text 
> objects until after the image has been downsampled.  This 
> allows for clearer but non-antialiased text.

Ugh. Painful short-term remedies...

I understand the frustration, but given the excellent progress made
lately on GD, both by Boutell-folk and the internal GD maintainer(s),
IMHO I think it'd be better to wait until GD handles anti-aliasing


Mike Robinson

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