
Call for Publications

Publication: Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy (ODIP)
URL: http://www.odiphilosophy.com


This is an invitation to contribute to the Online Dictionary of
Intercultural Philosophy – ODIP. It is  a new project and still a bit
rough here and there but hopefully it will develop in the future.

The Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy offers brief and
understandable definitions of non-Western philosophical terms. It
aims to promote a shift from Comparative Philosophy to World
Philosophy enabling a genuine plurality of knowing, doing, and being
human. The Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy 1) collects
key-concepts from several regions and 2) presents those concepts in a
succinct fashion. It is meant to be an inspiring and stimulating
resource for philosophers who aim to expand their horizons and think

Submission guidelines are on the website. This is an ongoing project
and there are no submission deadlines!

We hope to receive your suggestions and proposals.


Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, Editor-in-Chief
Email: thorstenb...@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.odiphilosophy.com


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