
Call for Publications

Theme: Conflicting Conflicts
Publication: Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV)
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 30.1.2019


We invite contributions on epistemology of conflicts in particular
from female scholars working on Islamic and Christian intellectual

This publication is a part of a broader attempt to revisit the place
and role of contemporary humanities in face of growing social
conflicts. More specifically, it is an attempt to call into question
science’s basic epistemic approach, its basic understanding of the
nature of social conflicts, by asking the explicit question
concerning the epistemology of conflicts – what are conflicts as
knowledge events?

One central characteristic in the common perception of contemporary
conflicts, which lends them their specific acute gravity, is the
sense of irreconcilability. It is the sense of lack of common ground
that seems to generate the specific threat perceived in
inter-cultural and most paradigmatically in inter-religious
conflicts, as inter epistemic conflicts, i.e. as conflicts between
different systems and conceptions of knowledge.

If inter-epistemic social conflicts, such as religious conflicts, are
nonetheless to be analyzed epistemologically, as knowledge events, it
may be suggested that such conflict situations are particularly
complex since the conflict concerns the very understanding of the
conflict: not only a conflict on the matter in conflict, but more
radically a conflict on the very nature of conflict. The conflict
conceptions themselves are in conflict.

In an attempt to explore the idea of conflicting conflicts, this
publication features the works of theoreticians, who analyze various
historical and conceptual moments of conflicting conflicts, central
moments of the history of conflict, history as conflict of conflicts.

We kindly ask all prospective authors to send their intent of
submitting a paper for this issue with a short 200 word abstract to
Elad Lapidot at elad.lapi...@theol.unibe.ch and Luca Di Blasi at
luca.dibl...@theol.unibe.ch by no later than January 30th, 2019.

Authors will be informed of acceptance or rejection by February 10th,
2019. Full papers of a maximum of 20 pages will be submitted by June
1st, 2019.

Please feel free to contact us for any queries.

Guest editors:

Elad Lapidot
University of Bern
Email: elad.lapi...@theol.unibe.ch

Luca Di Blasi
University of Bern
Email: luca.dibl...@theol.unibe.ch


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