
Call for Papers

Theme: 'Unknowing' Institutions
Subtitle: Decolonisation and Critical Intersectional Practice
Type: AWGSA Biannual Conference 2020
Institution: Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA)
   Flinders University
Location: Adelaide, SA (Australia)
Date: 30.11.–3.12.2020
Deadline: 15.6.2020


This conference asks: what does it mean to undertake feminist, queer
and related critical work within and in relation to institutions that
privilege certain ways of ‘knowing’.

Indigenous scholars, queer and feminist scholars, and those using
intersectional theories, have long critiqued the politics and
practices of knowledge production, along with the related
inequalities which emerge across race, disability, class, gender,
sexuality and age. In an era of neo-liberal instrumentalism, western
epistemologies continue to sit at the heart of institutions which
structure our work and/or form its point of reference – these highly
particular ‘ways of knowing’ continue to determine what counts as
legitimate knowledge, how knowledge is ‘built’, processed and
obtained, and what counts as valuable knowledge ‘outputs’. They also
contribute to material inequalities in a labour market which is
increasingly casualised, precarious, inaccessible, and focused on
narrow definitions of worth.

These practices of ‘knowing’ emerge from and reinforce the colonising
project that structures dominant institutions. They also continue to
centre the normative Australian citizen, and knowledge producer, as
non-Indigenous, white, able-bodied, middle class, cis-male and
heterosexual. Significantly, despite the assumed ‘neutrality’ of the
neo-liberal individual, institutions continue to rest on patriarchal,
colonising, abelist logics – and recently, corporate logics which
seek to maximise ‘productivity’ have had very real effects on
identities and forms of knowledge that are marginalised.

Through this conference, we emphasise two frames to think about what
it might mean to ‘unknow’ the institutions that shape our work, or
through which we are positioned as subjects, or from which we seek
employment. Theories of decolonisation present a challenge to
feminist, queer and related critical practice to reflect on what
counts as legitimate knowledge, and by extension, how identities and
subjectivities can be held accountable. They also present a challenge
to take the radical goals of decolonisation seriously. While
intersectionality has been critiqued as an approach that is at risk
of ‘tick-boxing’ categories (with the power to determine those
categories in the hands of the researcher) it remains a vital frame
for thinking through privilege and marginality across race, class,
disability, gender, sexuality and age.

The 2020 AWGSA conference will bring together activists, academics,
students, community leaders, artists, researchers, and policymakers
to think through the idea of ‘unknowing’ in a multitude of ways,
drawing on one or both of the two key frames outlined below.

Conference topics

- Positionality and place:
How we are positioned as subjects in the various institutions in
which our work sits? Which identities are privileged and
marginalised? What might it mean to decolonise and ‘unknow’ the
privileged knowledges and subjectivities that inform the institutions
in which our work is situated or from which it is excluded? What does
it mean to unknow what we have come to know, and to know in different

- Working with and about institutions:
How do institutions open up or close down the work we can undertake –
what we can say, how we can we express it, how we are privileged or
exploited? What are the different practices of knowledge production,
in different kinds of institutions? And who is the ‘we’ of

- Resistance and transformation:
How, and can, we decolonise the spaces in which we work? How, and
can, we decolonise our own work? How can we undertake critical
intersectional work in ways that avoid ‘tick-boxing’? What is
possible? What might this look like in different institutions and
institutional settings? Is it possible, and if so, what would a
decolonising ethics of practice look like across diverse
institutional contexts?

- Knowledge ‘outputs’ and ‘products’:
What presently or currently constitutes legitimate knowledge products
and outcomes in the spaces in which we work? How can we strategise to
make room for a broad range of knowledge outputs – from ‘traditional’
academic publications, to art, theatre, spoken work, fiction and
community and political activism?

Key Dates

Abstracts due 15th June 2020

- Individual papers: Abstract 300 word maximum
- Roundtable discussion, panel, workshop, creative
  intervention-performance: 400 words maximum.

Acceptance announced 30th July 2020

Please send abstracts to:

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