

Theme: Conversations on Chinese Philosophy
Type: Virtual Symposium
Institution: Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Naples
   Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University
Location: Online
Date: March – May 2021


The Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Naples
"L'Orientale" and the Institute of Humanities at Tallinn University
are happy to announce a cycle of online events to be hosted on
Microsoft Teams from March to May 2021.


March 4, 11.30am CET
Jana Rosker, Lee Ming-huei, Fabian Heubel, Huang Kuan-min, Wu
“Round Table on Modern and Contemporary Taiwanese Philosophy”

March 16, 11.30am CET
Lisa Indraccolo (Tallinn University):
“Civil Disobedience, Agency, and Moral Authority in Early Chinese

March 26, 2pm CET
Ralph Weber (University of Basel):
"An Interdisciplinary Approach to Chinese Philosophy”

April 14, 11.30am CET
Laura Lettere (University of Naples "L’Orientale"):
“Philosophy Through Narrative: The Life of the Buddha”

April 21, 11.30am CET
Geir Sigurdsson (University of Iceland):
“Anonymous Leaders and Easy Victories: Daoist Traces in Sunzi’s Art
of Warfare”

May 7, 11.30am CET:
Yuri Pines (Hebrew University of Jerusalem):
“Social Engineering in the Book of Lord Shang”

Organized by Federico Brusadelli, Chiara Ghidini & Lisa Indraccolo

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