
Call for Applications

Theme: Global Perspectives on Society
Type: Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowships
Institution: New York University Shanghai
Location: Shanghai (China)
Date: 2021–22
Deadline: 17.3.2021


NYU Shanghai invites applications for Teaching Fellows for Global
Perspectives on Society for the 2021-22 academic year. This
residential fellowship for the entire academic year 2021-22 entails
one semester of teaching responsibilities, followed by one semester
dedicated to the fellow’s own scholarly work. Fellows may apply to be
renewed for one additional year. NYU Shanghai seeks to appoint a team
of Teaching Fellows that will further diversify NYU Shanghai’s
instructional faculty.

Global Perspectives on Society (GPS) is a required course that forms
the foundation of the humanities and social science core curriculum
for first-year undergraduates at NYU Shanghai. GPS is a fall semester
course devoted to examining central questions in society through the
study of key concepts and texts on the individual in society, and
developing the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills central
to a liberal arts education.  The course introduces students to a
range of intellectual and critical traditions concerning the
foundations of society and the analytical categories used to
describe, understand, and critique society.

Lectures for GPS are delivered by core faculty members at NYU
Shanghai. Teaching Fellows are responsible for leading two recitation
sections per week during the fall semester. Each section contains
approximately 18 students; half the students in each section will be
Chinese nationals, and half will be international students. During
fall semester, course-related responsibilities include the following:

- helping students understand the texts and concepts covered in the
- designing weekly lessons, in-class activities, and teaching
  strategies based on the readings to maximize discussion and
  participation in the recitation sections; 
- grading paper assignments and examinations; 
- assessing overall student progress and the course learning
- assisting occasionally in the lectures as facilitators for specific
  in-class activities; 
- holding office hours for student consultations; 
- participating in weekly meetings to discuss administrative and/or
  pedagogical matters related to the course; 
- normalizing grade expectations with the course instructors and
  other Teaching Fellows.  

In addition, Teaching Fellows are expected to engage with the larger
intellectual life of NYU Shanghai by presenting their scholarly work
at various possible venues in the university, participating in or
possibly organizing academic events of interest to the university
community, or otherwise contributing to the intellectual mission of
the university. The teaching responsibilities of the fellowship are
in the fall semester; the spring semester is devoted to the fellow’s
self-directed research and writing. Teaching Fellows are expected to
remain in residence for the full academic year, but will have a
research fund for travel to conferences or research sites.

Salary and Benefits

- RMB 248,000 fellowship stipend
- One-year appointment beginning August 2021, with possibility of
  one-year renewal
- Visa sponsorship, if required
- Housing provided
- Health benefits
- Research funds available
- Round-trip transportation to Shanghai
- Relocation and transportation allowance


- PhD conferred no later than summer 2021 and no earlier than 2018 in
  any fields in the Humanities or Social Sciences (e.g., Anthropology,
  Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, History, Law, Philosophy,
  Political Theory, Sociology);  
- Previous teaching experience strongly preferred;
- Experience teaching non-native-speakers of English preferred, but
  not required;
- Serious interest in theoretical and historical approaches to key
  concepts in social and political thought;
- The capacity to effectively engage with the diversity of NYU
  Shanghai’s student body.

Application Instructions

Priority deadline for applications is March 17, 2021. Applicants will
submit the following materials for consideration:

- Cover letter explaining applicant’s interest in the position
- At least two letters of reference that address the applicant’s
  intellectual and pedagogical strengths  
- CV, including a list of prior teaching experience
- Copy of all graduate-level transcripts
- Brief statement of academic or intellectual interests and research
- Writing sample (10-20 pages) drawn from the applicant’s own research

Applications from recent PhD graduates in philosophy are especially
welcome. Please direct any questions to Brad Weslake, Associate
Professor of Philosophy at NYU Shanghai: brad.wesl...@nyu.edu

See the position description for full information:


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