
Call for Papers

Theme: Disagreement, (in)tolerance and political discourse
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value,
University of Pardubice
Location: Pardubice (Czech Republic)
Date: 13.–14.9.2019
Deadline: 1.6.2019


The recent global rise of populism goes hand in hand with an
increasing polarisation of society. The radicalisation of disagreeing
parties is sharpened not only by ever-more diverging political
opinions, but also by underlying negative emotions. These
developments are having a direct impact on the public sphere.
Discussions that could have ended in fruitful exchange of arguments
only two decades ago end now with irreconcilable conflict, mutual
repulsion or contemptuous avoidance. Instead of embracing tolerance,
understanding, openness and curiosity in view of difference,
presumably open and pluralist liberal societies are instead filled
with distrust, suspicion and enmity. Contrary to democratic respect
for the other’s opinion and openness to reason and argument, we see
escalating negative emotions and a lack of honest discussion. Are we
witnessing the decline of deliberative democracy? Has the populist
demagoguery, conspiracy theorising and scapegoating crippled public

In this workshop, we would like to consider possible attitudes to
political disagreement and difference and the ways in which they are
influenced by negative political emotions. We invite contributions
from researchers working in the fields related to the theme,
including political philosophy, but also political science (the study
of populism and democracy), moral psychology (the study of emotions,
attitudes and relationships), rhetoric (the study of demagoguery),
epistemology (the study of disagreement and belief polarisation),
social science and social psychology.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

- attitudes to difference: intolerance, dogmatism, ideology,
  prejudice vs. tolerance, respect and acceptance
- political vs. religious disagreement
- public reason, its limits and use
- Habermas's Discourse Theory and its application in contemporary
- negative political emotions and their effect on the perception of
  the other
- social bubbles, partisanship and ingroup/outgroup mentality
- rhetoric, demagoguery and political emotions
- the boundaries of reasonable disagreement
- the role of dialogue, discussion and discourse in political
- the epistemic value of conflict and confrontation
- populist demagogical strategies: enemy creation, conspiracy
  theories, scapegoating
- polarisation, extremism and the mechanisms of escalation
- new media and their effect on contemporary political discourse
- socially conditioned resentment (poverty, stress, alienation)
- polarisation and identity politics
- disagreement and polarisation as a threat for the idea of EU project

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an
abstract of around 300 words to: matej.ci...@upce.cz

The deadline for submission is June 1, 2019.
Notices of acceptance will be sent by approximately June 15, 2019.

Keynote speakers:

Andrea Sangiovanni (King’s College London)
Anna Durnová (Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies)
Anna Elisabetta Galeotti (University of Eastern Piedmont)


Matej Cíbik & Kamila Pacovská
Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value
University of Pardubice
Email: matej.ci...@upce.cz & kamila.pacov...@upce.cz
Web: http://centreforethics.upce.cz/en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ethicsCZ/


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