
Call for Papers

Theme: Globalization
Subtitle: Impact on Society, Culture and Education
Type: International and Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion
   Chandrakona Vidyasagar Mahavidyalaya
Location: Chandrakona, West Bengal (India)
Date: 7.–9.1.2023
Deadline: 15.8.2022


The conference will have plenary sessions, group sessions and round
table sessions. The conferences will also have Garden Session which
will allow the presenter to speak on a particular area of their own

Scholars from different corners of the world join our conferences.

Chandrakona is two hours from Kolkata.

Deadline to submit title and abstract (150 words):
15 August 2022

Submit title and abstract to:
Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti at chandanac...@gmail.com;

Also send a copy to:

Conference Directors:
Chandana Chakrabarti (USA) and Kisor Chakrabarti (USA)

Advisory Board:
Yolanda Espina (Portugal), Tommi Lehtonen (Finland), Deven Patel
(USA), Nina Petek (Slovenia), Rizwan Rahman (India), Ming Shao
(China), Richard Vulich (USA), Su Chen Wu (Taiwan), Yanling Xu (China)

The Cambridge Scholars Press has published seven books co-edited by
members of our advisory board from selected (after editorial review)
papers from our last conferences. We also publish papers in our
Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion if the theme of the paper
is in the area of publication of the Journal.

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