
Call for Papers

Theme: Migration, Populism and Ethical Perspectives on Voting
Type: REDEM Workshop
Institution: Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A
Voter-Centred Perspective (REDEM)
   Centre for Political Research (CEVIPOF), Sciences Po
   Institute for Futures Studies, University of Stockholm
Location: Stockholm (Sweden) – Online
Date: 29.6.–1.7.2022
Deadline: 1.3.2022


The REDEM workshop on Migration, Populism and Ethical Perspectives on
Voting is devoted to explorations of the electoral ethical
perspectives on migration, migration policy and the rise of populist
political parties. The workshop will in particular seek to advance
our understanding of ethical conflicts facing voters and strategies
for resolving them in the context of migration and populism. This
includes but is not limited to papers addressing how the left-right
dimension and political cleavages in terms of cultural values
structure voters judgments, the extent to which democracies provide
opportunities to articulate relevant ethical standpoints on
migration, how perceptions of biased electoral representation
condition judgements on populist parties and agendas, how voter’s
judgements on migration and populism is affected by the electoral
system and general questions on the ethics of voting in relation to
populist candidates and migration policy. In addition, the workshop
welcome papers addressing the electoral ethics of migration and
populism in the context of impending threats to the democratic order,
including the ethical dilemmas of militant democracy. The list is not
exhaustive and the workshop welcomes the application of abstracts for
papers on any aspect of the workshop theme broadly understood.

The REDEM Workshop on Migration, Populism and Ethical Perspectives on
Voting will consist of several panels with presentations and
discussions as well as keynote addresses. Confirmed keynote speakers
include Valeria Ottonelli (University of Genoa) and David Miller
(Oxford University).

To express interest in making a presentation, please send a titel,
an abstract no longer than 200 words, your name, position and
affiliation to the workshop chair, Ludvig Beckman:

Please also indicate whether you intend to make the presentation
on-line or at the workshop.

The submission deadline is March 1, 2022.
Confirmations of accepted presentation applications will be emailed
no later than March 15, 2022.

The REDEM Workshop on Migration, Populism and Ethical Perspectives on
Voting is organised by the University of Stockholm and is chaired by
Ludvig Beckman. The event is scheduled to take place on location in
Stockholm in the premises of the Institute for Futures Studies. The
institute is located in the city centre with a wide range of
alternatives for nearby accommodation. Lunch and dinner will be
offered free for all on-site participants.

For those unable to attend in person, participants will also be able
to join the event on-line using the Zoom platform. Participants in
each workshop session will be invited to join a closed Zoom meeting
via password-protected access.

For any further inquiries, please email Ludvig Beckman at:

Website of the workshop:



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