
Call for Papers

Theme: Military Justice in the Modern Era
Type: International Conference
Institution: Freie Universität Berlin
Location: Berlin (Germany)
Date: 28.–30.7.2022
Deadline: 31.1.2022


In conflicts throughout the world, military justice fulfils two vital
functions. First and foremost, it acts as one of the principal
mechanisms to maintain discipline within the armed forces by harshly
punishing soldierly misconduct. Secondly, it serves as an instrument
of military power in occupied territories by adjudicating the crimes
of enemy belligerents and local inhabitants. In the former role,
agents of the courts martial system can significantly impact the
incidence, routinisation and escalation of violence by soldiers in
wartime situations. In the latter, the imposition of martial law and
the punishment of occupied peoples and enemy nationals by military
courts can constitute a form of violence in itself. Accordingly, an
historical examination of the principles, structure and application
of military justice can offer important insights into war crimes and
atrocities that are still valid in the conflict zones of our world

This conference will bring together scholars specialising in military
justice from a wide range of historical and geographical contexts to
discuss conceptual, legal, institutional and practical aspects of the
exercise of judicial authority by armed forces. While the primary aim
is to deepen our knowledge of the agents, institutions and practices
involved in dispensing military justice in the modern era (i.e.
mid-nineteenth century through 1945), a secondary objective will be
to consider the role of military justice as a driver of violence. The
conference organisers, therefore, invite proposals for presentations
dealing with one or more of the following topics:

- Theories, concepts and issues of military justice in the modern era
- The evolution and historical development of military justice in
  western and non-western regions, mid-19th ct. through 1945
- Military justice and international law
- Military law and martial law
- Courts-martial and military courts
- Legal officers and judges
- Military police and military prisons
- Case studies of military justice in practice to 1945
- Discipline, crime and military justice
- Military justice and POWs
- Military occupation and judicial power in occupied territories
- Comparisons of peacetime and wartime military justice systems

The conference is scheduled for 28-30 July 2022. Pandemic permitting,
we plan to hold the conference in person at Freie Universität Berlin.
Travel expenses and accommodation costs will be covered for all
invited speakers.

The conference is conducted as part of the ERC-funded project
(Consolidator) “Law without Mercy: Japanese Courts-Martial and
Military Courts During the Asia-Pacific War, 1937-45”.

Presentations are to be given in English. The organisers plan to
publish an edited volume as a result of this conference.

Proposals, including a title, an abstract of no more than 300 words
and a short bio, should be submitted, by 31 January 2022, to:

For more information, please contact Dr. Kelly Maddox at:


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