
Conference Announcement

Theme: Hate Speech
Subtitle: What It Is and How It Works
Type: Online Workshop
Institution: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Location: Online
Date: 26.–27.2.2021


Recent surveys suggest that hate speech is on the rise, particularly
on the internet and on social media. Hate speech, its potential to
harm individuals, and its corrosive effects on democracy and social
stability are widely discussed in politics, in the media, and by the
broader public.

However, a closer look at public debate reveals that it is far from
clear what exactly hate speech is – despite occasional attempts to
provide sufficiently precise definitions. Some authors focus
exclusively on hostility on the internet, others equate hate speech
with the verbal expression of a speaker’s vitriolic emotions, and
still others treat ‘hate speech’ as synonymous with legal terms such
as ‘incitement of the masses’. The conceptual unclarities of public
debate are partly mirrored by scholarly debate, as various efforts to
outline a narrow conception of hate speech have not yet led to a
broad consensus among scholars.

In addition, there’s a lively scholarly debate about how hate speech
and harm are related. Empirical studies suggest that there is a
direct or indirect causal link between certain kinds of speech and
harm. On the other hand, leading scholars in feminist philosophy of
language have long pointed out that, arguably, there is a
constitutive relationship between speech and harm as well. According
to this constitutive view, certain speech acts in themselves are
harmful acts of silencing, subordination, or oppression. Relatedly,
since it seems that hate speakers require authority in order for
their utterances to ‘succeed’ as oppressive acts, questions
concerning authority have come to the fore.

The two-day online workshop aims at advancing our understanding of
the nature of hate speech and its mode(s) of operation – what hate
speech is and how it works.

Confirmed Speakers

- Alexander Brown (University of East Anglia)
- Katharine Gelber (University of Queensland)
- Dirk Kindermann (University of Vienna)
- Teresa Marques (University of Barcelona)
- Lucy McDonald (Cambridge University)
- Mari Mikkola (University of Amsterdam)
- Mihaela Popa-Wyatt (ZAS Berlin)
- Stefan Rinner (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy)
- Inga Bones (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


Attendance is free, but space is limited. If you would like to
register for the workshop, please send your request via e-mail to:
You will then receive a ZOOM invite link and preliminary schedule.
The registration deadline is February 21, 2021.

Further Information

For further information please visit the conference website:


Inga Bones
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Philosophie
Douglasstr. 24
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Email: inga.bo...@kit.edu


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