
Conference Announcement

Theme: Not Quite Equal
Subtitle: Exploring Intersectional Power Relations in the European
East-West Divide
Type: International Workshop
Institution: University of Augsburg
   Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich   
   Utrecht University
Location: Online
Date: 31.5.2021


You are invited to join the workshop "Not Quite Equal: Exploring
Intersectional Power Relations in the European East-West Divide". The
workshop will present and explore Central and Eastern European
feminist perspectives on the hierarchising and necropolitical
character of the European East-West divide as well as CEE feminist
visions for just futures.

In contemporary global terms, the ‘Eastern European’ region is
perceived as part of Europe. After 1989, the neoliberalisation of the
market, Westernisation of culture and social values, and subsequent
entry into the European Union made the countries that used to be part
of the so-called Eastern Block ‘finally’ European. Yet, being from
‘Eastern Europe’ carries certain devaluing connotations that lead to
social hierarchisation in everyday and institutional encounters. In
the West, individuals from Eastern and parts of Central Europe (CEE)
- and women in particular - have long been othered, structurally
marginalised and utilised as cheap labour. In the current COVID-19
pandemic, the devaluation of CEE workers obtained a literal
necropolitical character when several West-European countries
protected the lives of their residents through social pandemic
measures, such as ‘lockdown,’ while at the same time imported, with
minimal health protections, poor working conditions and low wages, a
CEE migrant labour force to harvest seasonal crops and provide care

This workshop will bring together CEE feminist scholars, who are
academically located within both CEE and Western Europe, to discuss
what it means to be equal-but-not-quite as CEE subjects, feminists,
activists, workers and academics, in the context of being part of
Europe and the world more globally. Speakers will be invited to
reflect on where CEE is in intersectional theory and how CEE
experiences contribute to the analysis of power relations in Europe.
By relating old and new CEE scholarship with a broad range of
anti-racist and decolonial feminist theories, the workshop will
inform international feminist and decolonial debates, which commonly
fail to include CEE voices and scholarship. Incorporating CEE
perspectives is crucial for an in-depth analysis of the nuances of
oppression, the broadening and deepening of intersectional debates on
gender and race as social categories of power and for identifying
ways to foster intersectional justice in Europe and beyond.

The workshop is dedicated to the memory of feminist scholars Hana
Havelková and Marina Blagojević Hughson.


All talks will involve 20 mins for presentations and 10 mins for Q&A

Tereza Hendl (University of Augsburg / Ludwig-Maximilians-University
in Munich) and Magdalena Górska (Utrecht University)

Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University)
Equality Revisited: a Decolonial View on the Perpetual Construction
of Internal European Others

Petra Ezzeddine (Charles University) and Zuzana Uhde (Czech Academy
of Sciences)
Essential, Exploited and Unequal: Borderscapes of the Political
Economy of Social Reproduction in Europe

Angéla Kóczé (Central European University)
Configuration of "Coloniality of Power" through the Gendered
Racialization of Roma in Post-Socialist Europe

Tereza Hendl (University of Augsburg / Ludwig-Maximilians-University
in Munich)
Examining Western Dimensions of White ‘Privilege’ and Supremacy: On
the Need for an Intersectional Theory of Whiteness

Adriana Qubaiova (independent scholar)
Between the Easts: What Can We Gain from an Inter-regional
Perspective Between the Middle East and Eastern Europe?

Kateřina Kolářová (Charles University)
The Cruel Optimism of Rehabilitative Postsocialism: Imagining the
Crip Critique from the ‘East’

Ewa Majewska (independent scholar)
Weak Resistance in the Former East: Feminist and Queer Struggles

Čarna Brković (University of Göttingen)
(South)East Europe and Geopolitics of Surprise in Anthropological

Discussion Panel
Visions for Decolonial Feminist Futures,
chaired by Věra Sokolová

Closing remarks
Magdalena Górska


Date: Monday, 31.5.2021
Time: 10-17:00 CET
Online on Zoom
Free registration: http://bit.ly/2RAaM4V

Tereza Hendl & Magdalena Górska


Dr Tereza Hendl, Research Associate
Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine
Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich
Lessingstr. 2
80336 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-72785
Fax:   +49 89 2180-72799
E-Mail: tereza.he...@med.uni-muenchen.de


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