
Call for Publications

Theme: Ethics in Asian Philosophical Traditions
Publication: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 1.10.2020


Ethical Theory and Moral Practice invites proposals for a special
issue on topics interfacing contemporary ethics and Asian
philosophies/comparative philosophy involving Asian traditions.

This dedicated issue forms part of the journal’s ongoing efforts to
expand the repertoire of traditions, ideas and approaches typically
considered in mainstream ethical philosophy, and to foster dialogue
and engagement across cultures and methodologies. More specifically,
we aim to:

- introduce important ethical topics in Asian and comparative
  traditions to mainstream philosophical audiences in a way that is
  clear and accessible, and enable dialogue among scholars working on
  similar issues in different traditions,
- advance inquiry into the foundations and methodology of the study
  of ethics through engagements with traditions in which
  philosophizing takes significantly different forms,
- produce new conceptual resources for doing philosophy,
- identify promising topics and new lines of inquiry that might
  meaningfully be brought into contemporary philosophical debates.

The topical range and format remain open, but the special issue
should be in line with the general concerns and orientations of the
journal and seek to make the content accessible to its general
readership. In particular, please note that given the journal’s
profile we cannot consider submissions which are exclusively of a
historical or exegetical character. Some possible approaches include:

- a focus on a specific theme that is significant in both a
  particular Asian tradition/set of traditions and in current
  philosophical discussion, and that meaningfully engages both,
- collaborations involving scholars with expertise in a particular
  Asian tradition/set of traditions and in contemporary ethics,
- explorations of methodological issues and problems involved in the
  cross-cultural of ethics.

Deadline for the first round of applications: October 1, 2020


Special Issues are a collection of 6-9 original papers, accompanied
by an introduction usually written by the guest editors. Proposals
have a maximum word count of 2.000 words and provide information about

- the guest editor(s)
- the topic and rationale of the collection envisaged
- the authors
- the planned contributions (via short abstracts)

They should also include an explanation of the importance of the
topic and the selection of authors and themes.

Please send proposals to the Editors-in-Chief Marcus Düwell
(m.duw...@uu.nl) and Thomas Schramme (t.schra...@liverpool.ac.uk).

For more information about the journal, please visit:


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