
Call for Publications

Theme: Language and Worldviews
Subtitle: Ideas on Language Throughout the Ages
Publication: Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 15.4.2020



Language is a favourite topic of intellectual thought. Over the ages,
language has been understood as a medium capacitating knowledge or
belief; a mental faculty facilitating cognizing and reasoning; a
behavioural capacity enabling communication and social interaction; a
sociocultural means to identify and differentiate between groups and
individuals; or an instrumental tool that permits objective
scientific analysis. With this issue we aim to better delineate the
intellectual genealogy of how language has been perceived and studied
differentially within philosophical, religious, linguistic, and
socio-anthropological schools of thought. In line with the spirit of
Topoi, we want to open up a respectful dialogue on how views on
language relate and differ from one another.

Our issue can already count on contributions on the following topics:

- Language in ancient philosophies (logos theories)
- Language in Judeo-Christian traditions (the search for an Adamic
- Language in the Renaissance and Enlightenment (the search for the
  original Mother tongue)
- Language in analytical traditions (the reference problem,
  indeterminacy of translation)
- Language use in the evolutionary sciences (discourse analysis)

In addition to these topics, we are calling for papers on the
following themes:

- Language in non-Western Philosophies and World Religions
- Origins and rationale of Logic as an area of research
- Language and the Universalia debates
- Origins, divergence, and rationale of Cognitive, Bio-, Socio- and
  Anthropological Linguistics
- Signs and codes as defined in (Bio)Semiotics and their relation to
  concepts of information, communication and language
- Any other topic deemed to shed light on the relationship between
  language and worldviews

By comparing these traditions, our goal is to contribute to a more
comprehensive understanding of how ideas on language are formed, how
they underlie worldview formation or the Zeitgeist of an era, and how
they change over time. Such research is important because it enables
a better understanding of the reach and limits of existing schools of
thought and it contributes to knowledge on the overall role that
language plays in human symbolic evolution.

Instructions for Authors

- Pre-enquiries by April 15th, 2020:
Potential contributors are encouraged to send pre-inquiries and
extended abstracts of 2 pages containing the contact details and full
affiliations of all authors to the guest-editors by April 15th at
nlgont...@fc.ul.pt; mtfacoe...@gmail.com; dpco...@ub.edu.

- Paper submissions by December 1st, 2020:
Authors are asked to prepare their manuscript according to the
journal’s standard guidelines available at
https://www.springer.com/journal/11245/updates/17215504, and to
upload their manuscripts by December 1st, 2020 on Topoi’s Online
Manuscript Submission System (Editorial Manager), accessible at

When uploading your paper, be sure to select the “S.I.: Language and
worldviews (Gontier/Facoetti/Couto)” in the drop down menu of
“Article Type”.

All papers will undergo standard review procedures and when accepted
they will be made available as online firsts until final publication
which is estimated to occur in 2022.

Guest Editors

Nathalie Gontier
Centre for Philosophy of Science, University of Lisbon

Marta Facoetti
Centre for Philosophy of Science, University of Lisbon

Diana Couto
Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy, University of Barcelona &
Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto

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