On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 06:37:56 GMT,
"Yuval Shaul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

: Does anybody know of anything (RFC, implementation, idea etc)about
: converting IPv4 packets to IPv6 packets ?

There are two implemented IPv4 - IPv6 translator using Socks.
# It doesn't actually 'convert' packets, thought.
You can find the patch for Socks5 server at KAME distribution.

And the following site will help you to use this translator
with IPv4 only applications.


draft-ietf-ngtrans-socks-gateway-04.txt describes how this translator

// ARIGA Seiji
IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
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Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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