Hi Werner,
> what about firewalls ? when tunneling ipv6 packets in an encapsulated
> ipv4 there should not be a problem, right ?

Depends on the type/locationof the firewall.

Not much specific firewall and IDS work is available that I've found, and I've looked 
hard. Any list pointers to info would be appreciated.

After reading this:

"Internet Connection Firewall Does Not Block Internet Protocol Version 6 Traffic"
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q306/2/03.asp "

I contacted MS for further info and received this:

"Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your note.  I heard back from the devs and learned that if
IPv6 is installed and the machine receives an IPv6 packet encapsulated
in IPv4, then ICF WILL intercept the packet before it is handed to the
IPv6 stack.

I hope this answers your question sufficiently.  If you have any other
questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.  We appreciate your
interest and feedback."

So many questions are unanswered at this point.


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