This message is transmitted to the IPng list at the request of the Area 
Director for IPv6 Working

                A report on the IPv6 Testing at Connectaton2001

        Three full days of testing in the areas, General Spec. testing , RIPng, 
and Mobility for IPv6.

        Companies that participated:  SUN Microsystems, HP, SGI, Matsushita, 
Ericsson, Nokia,
        Microsoft, Ericsson-Telebit,  Helsinki University of Technology, Compaq, 
and Tahi / Kame.

        Most base spec. testing was executed without a serious problem being 
noted.   The RIPng
        testing was also executed without serious problem.

        The mobility testing consisted of conformance testing against the IETF 
specification.  All
        vendors had some minor issues, the following issue / problems were also 
noted.  It was
        unclear in some cases that an ICMP message should be sent when a bad 
packet was      encountered.  Also, if you try to remove a binding update that 
was previously removed
        in some cases implementations would acknowledge it with a reject 
status.   It was felt that
        it should be accepted so that the status was clear.

        For more info contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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