> > One requirement that we came up to when writing Mobile IPv6 i-d v13 was
> > that the Mobile Node must somehow know its home prefix or a DNS name
> > representing the home prefix or home agents anycast address. How the
> Well, DNS is the option that's most likely to survive a network
> renumbering. But, can we really mandate that DNS is available for a
> mobile node when it's configuring on a foreign network?...
> > Mobile Node learns this is out of scope of the draft. Thus, the upper
> Appendix A deals with it in a limited situation as Hesham denoted above.
> What if DNS is not available? 
        => The assumption here is that as a MN you want to be reached. 
        If you do want to be reached then the mapping of your name to
        an IP address must be stored "somewhere". Unless of course 
        you will only give your IP address to people in some other way. 

        So whether it is a DNS or some other database, you need to 
        be able to query that database for your home address/prefix. Of
        you also need to make sure that it survives renumbering. That's
        why a DNS seems quite reasonable. 

> It may also be able to continue supporting
> mobility at the IP layer, but without use of the Home Address, if the
> home network can not be resolved. I.e. what if the visited network
> becomes your new, temporary "home network" and you can continue to roam,
> keeping open TCP connections, using your COA as your "home address".
        => You need some support from AAA to be able to do that. 
        In that case you would get a home prefix, perform HA
        discovery, and then register with the HA. But still to be 
        reached you would have to update a database/server somewhere. 

> Is there any interest in exploring the issue (beyond the scope of the
> draft, if need be)?
        => Sure. Also if you're statement above is implying having MNs
        that do not have any fixed home addresses then you might want to
        into the Homeless MIPv6 draft to see the impacts of this approach
        and how they solved it. 

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