I've revised "DNS Configuration options for DHCPv6" <to be published as draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6 opt-dnsconfig-03.txt> based on input received during the WG last call. Here is the summary of changes to the document:

Changes from draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-opt-dnsconfig-02.txt

   This document includes the following changes in response to comments
   made during the dhc/dnsext WG last call:

   o  Combined RFC2119 reference and reference to DHCPv6 specification
      into one "Terminology" section; added explicit normative reference
      to DHCPv6 specification.

   o  Changed name of "Domain Name Server" option to "DNS Resolver"

   o  Clarified and corrected filed names and descriptions of fields in
      the option format diagrams.

   o  Reworded "Appearance of these options" for clarity; removed
      Confirm from list of messages in which the options can appear.

   o  Clarified the type of attack that can be mounted through the
      Domain Search List option by copying text from RFC3997

As these changes are editorial or clarifying, draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6 opt-dnsconfig-03.txt is ready for IESG review as a Proposed Standard.

- Ralph

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