Please help me clarify the consequences of a SET operation
        on the "ipv6InterfaceAdminStatus" specified in this draft, and
        its relation to RFC2461 and RFC2462.

        In RFC2462 section 5.3 , "A node forms a link-local address whenever an
        interface becomes enabled. An interface may become enabled after any
        of the following events: ... The interface becomes enabled by system
        management after having been administratively disabled."

        So my reading on this is that when "ipv6InterfaceAdminstatus"
        is SET to down (2) then up (1), stateless autoconfig is restarted
        and DAD is performed again.

        In RFC2461 section 7.2.6, however, it states "In some cases a node
        may be able to determine that its link-layer address has changed
        (e.g. hot-swap of an interface card) and may wish to inform its neighbors
        of the new link-layer address quickly. ..."

        I think these 2 paragraphs are somewhat in conflict with each other.
        The time it takes for the host to detect the change in LLAddr
        is indeterminate. During this period some other host might have
        claimed the addresses that are in use. So I think DAD should be restarted
        when the host detects a change in LLAddr.

        If the interface is shutdown through ipv6InterfaceAdminstatus, or if the
        host detects a downed interface, my questions are:

        1. What happens to the prefixes learned over that interface?

           If I were to toss the prefixes immediately then consequently I will
           invaliding my assigned addresses. This will invalidate all of my TCP
           connections, too. So I probably would want to keep these around
           until the lifetime expires.

           On the other hand I would need to do something so that new
           connection would not use any address configured out of
           those prefixes.

        2. Should the prefix routes be removed or marked as unusable?

           I think the prefix routes should be marked as unusable instead
           removal because of the lifetimes associated with them.

        3. Should the neighbor cache be flushed?

        -- Qing

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