I am posting this to both the IPv6 and MIB mailing lists to get the
benefit of both groups' feedback.

  On our platform we support IP addresses that exist on multiple hosts but
are only owned (i.e., advertised to routers) by one of these hosts.  They
exist on the other hosts as part of a workload balancing function for TCP
connections.  This has caused problems for some network management apps
that provide topology discovery information using data obtained from the
SNMP ipAddrTable from RFC2011.  When the management app sees the same IP
address in the ipAddrTable from 2 different hosts, the app thinks the IP
address has moved. Is there a recommended way of reporting these addresses?

   Now we are looking into implementing the ipAddressTable from the
replacement for RFC2011, draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2011-update-01.txt.  Would it
be appropriate for us to use values of either the ipAddressOrigin or the
ipAddressStatus MIB objects for these IP addresses, to indicate that they
are not really owned by a host even though they appear in that host's
ipAddressTable? If so, which values of which MIB object would be
appropriate for us to use? And should we use a null RowPointer for the
ipAddressPrefix MIB object for these IP addresses?


Kristine Adamson
IBM Communications Server for MVS: TCP/IP Development
Internet e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
IPng Home Page:                      http://playground.sun.com/ipng
FTP archive:                      ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng
Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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