Hi again,

the idea of "memory-intensive puzzle" is present in Erik Nygren's draft
"TLS Client Puzzles Extension" 
The idea is to create puzzle in such a way, that the time to solve it
depends rather on available RAM, than on CPU power. It is assumed that
the difference in RAM size between modern smartphones and desktops
is not as great, as the difference in CPU power.

Probably Erik could explain his idea in more details.


Dear authors and WG members,

We clearly do not have enough energy/consensus behind the draft to move it forward in its current form. My personal opinion is that the draft is an important piece of work and I don't want to see it go to waste.

We would like to see if the working group would be interested in a more focused draft. Some options:

- Make the draft more attractive by solving the problem of mobile clients (did I hear "memory-intensive puzzles"?
someone even mentioned Captcha), then try again to get consensus around it.
- Publish only the protocol part of the document, basically Sec. 3 and 8, as an 
Experimental RFC.
There are probably other options.



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